
Our literature is free to new people, this can be sent via email.


We also recommend Al-Anon literature because our situation dealing with an addict coincides so closely with that of dealing with an alcoholic.


Please use the email to request literature.

Downloadable Flyers


These downloadable flyers may be saved and printed to share the word of Co-Anon.

Please note that Co-Anon Family Groups do not give permission for posters to be altered in any way.


Co-Anon UK Shareable Flyer - Digital-friendly format


Co-Anon UK Printable Flyer - Printer-friendly format


Co-Anon UK Printable QR Flyer - Printer-friendly format with QR link to meetings list

The Do's and Don't's

These suggestions are used by members of Co-Anon Family Groups to guide us along the path to spiritual freedom.


Do forgive
Do be honest with yourself
Do be humble
Do take it easy – tension is harmful
Do play- find recreation and hobbies
Do keep trying whenever you fail
Do learn the facts about addiction and alcoholism
Do attend Co-Anon meetings often

Do pray


Don’t be self-righteous
Don’t try to dominate, nag, scold, and complain
Don’t lose your temper
Don’t try to push anyone but yourself
Don’t keep bringing up the past
Don’t keep checking up on your addict/alcoholic
Don’t wallow in self pity 
Don’t make threats you don’t intend to carry out
Don’t be overprotective
Don’t be a doormat

Copyright © 2023 Co-Anon World Services

In the spirit of Tradition Six, Co-Anon Family Groups is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution.